Cracked windshields may seem minor or innocent at times. If you can still see out your windshield while driving, it's fine - right? Not exactly. The issue with that mindset is that it doesn't take into account the consequences of having a damaged windshield and having something else go wrong with it. Here are several reasons why you should have your cracked windshield or other auto glass replaced ASAP:
- An Accident — Windows and windshields with cracks are more likely to shatter in an accident than not. If an accident occurs, the risks that a damaged windshield has to your eyes and other body parts are detrimental.
- Weather Can Worsen the Damage — When you ignore the glass damages, water can seep into the cracks over time. Once the weather rapidly changes throughout the seasons, it can cause the crack to enlarge.
- Insurance Repercussions — Insurance is all in all great, and if your plan covers it, you should not be hesitant about getting the repairs. However, if you put off the appointment after the damage occurred, the insurance companies could likely deny your claim.
- Getting a Ticket — Last but not least, most states have rules regarding your auto glass, specifically with your windshield. You can get a ticket if your scratches or damages cover the driver's line of sight. You can avoid the unnecessary time and costs of getting pulled over for a "fix-it" ticket by simply getting your windshield replaced on time.
You can count on the team at Allyz Auto to do a fantastic job on all auto body and auto collision services, including glass repairs. We welcome you to pay us a visit in Orlando, FL, or give our team a call today!