Parking anywhere, especially around the holiday season can be a total nightmare. Whether you are maneuvering your way to park at a grocery store or shopping center, finding space to park at all can be stressful. Let alone, having to deal with other reckless drivers, traffic jams, misplaced shopping carts, etc. Here are some of our top tips to get in and out of parking lots safely:
Tip 1: Have Patience
It is important to note that the holiday can be quite stressful for some people, but it shouldn’t be. Take it slow and give yourself time to find parking. If you know it will be busy, perhaps you can allow extra time to go from place to place. When you let yourself breathe and stay calm, you can focus on driving and dodging accidents.
Tip 2: Obey Speed Limits
Some parking lots have speed limit signs, but some don’t. Either way, you should avoid speeding as any car could back out at any moment. There are also likely going to be pedestrians with shopping carts that you should watch out for.
Tip 3: Watch out for Obstacles
Make sure you thoroughly scan your surroundings, including shopping carts that may be left out in the parking spots. Furthermore, there may be things on the road like potholes and speed bumps that you may miss if you are not paying attention. These can impact your bumper and more, so it is important to have all eyes on the road.
Tip #4: Be Careful Backing Out of a Space
Say you successfully made it through, and you are trying to leave the busy lot. It is so important for you to double-check to see what’s behind you before backing out. Forget the backup camera – we mean to turn your head. Tight parking spots can make it harder to see, so it is important that you do it a few times before slowly moving backward.
Busy parking lots are one of the most common places where vehicle accidents occur, especially this time of year. To keep your vehicle free of aesthetic damage, please remember to follow the tips above!
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